Kraepelinia palpator (Birula, 1903) (Buthidae) is a special and very rare species from Iran. Lourenco & Leguin have now published a paper with scanning electron microscope pictures showing new morphological details on the female of this special scorpion.
A detailed morphological description of an adult female of the enigmatic buthid scorpion, Kraepelinia palpator (Birula, 1903) from Iran, based on scanning electron microscopy studies, is presented
Lourenco WR, Leguin E-A. Complements a la morphologie de Kraepelinia palpator (Birula, 1903) (Scorpiones, Buthidae) a l'aide d'une etude au microscope electronique au balayage. Boletin de la SEA. 2010(47):307-10.
Family Buthidae
25 February, 2011
Additional description of the enigmatic Kraepelinia palpator

A new Broteochactas from Brazilian Amazonia
Wilson Lourenco and co-workers have discovered a new species of Broteochactas Pocock, 1893 (Chactidae) from Brazil:
Broteochactas cauaburi Lourenco, Araujo & Franklin, 2010
Also, the male of Hadrurochactas polisi (Monod & Lourenco, 2001) is described for the first time.
Amazonian scorpions belonging to the family Chactidae Pocock, 1893 are studied. The male of Hadrurochactas polisi (Monod & Lourenço, 2001) is recorded for the first time and a short diagnosis is proposed. A new species is described, Broteochactas cauaburi sp. n., based on a female specimen collected in the upper Rio Negro region in Brazil.
Lourenco WR, Araujo J, Franklin E. Further additions to the chactid scorpions of Brazilian Amazonia (Arachnida: Scorpiones: Chactidae). Boletin de la SEA. 2010(47):135-8.
Family Chactidae

Centruroides news from Central America
Luis de Armas and Rony Trujillo have published a paper looking into some Centruroides (Buthidae) from Central America. A new species is described from Guatemala and Honduras:
Centruroides fallassisimus Armas & Trujillo, 2010 [Name spelling error corrected 26.09.11]
In addition, Centruroides granosus (Thorell, 1876) from Panama is restored to species status.
The paper has an identification key for Centruroides in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.
A new species of the buthid genus Centruroides Marx, 1890 is described from northeastern Guatemala and northwestem Honduras, Central America. lt resembles C. margaritatus (Gervals, 1841), but differs from it by having attenuated pedipalpal chelae and telson, the subaculear tubercle situated in a different position, almost bare pedipalps, having chelae with the dorsal intemal carina moderately granulose. It is suggested that some previous records of C. margaritatus might be misidentifications. A key is provided for the identification of the eight species ot this genus known from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. Also, the Panamanian Centruroldes granosus (Thorell, 1876), comb. nov., is restored as a valid species.
de Armas LF, Trujillo RE. Nueva especie de Centruroides Marx, 1890 (Scorpiones: Buthidae) de Guatemala y Honduras, America Central. Boletin de la SEA. 2010(47):235-40.
Family Buthidae

Two new species of Ananteris from Brazil
Lourenco & Duhem have recently published two new species in the genus Ananteris Thorell, 1891 (Buthidae) from Brazil:
Ananteris madeirensis Lourenco & Duhem, 2010
Ananteris roraima Lourenco & Duhem, 2010
The number of Ananteris species from Brazil is now raised to 19.
Two new species of the genus Ananteris Thorell have been discovered in Brazil. Ananteris roraima sp. n. is described from 6 males and 11 females collected in the region of ‘Ilha de Maraca’, State of Roraima, and Ananteris madeirensis sp. n. from one male callected in the state of Amazonas, Brazil. The number of Ananteris species described from the Amazon region of Brazil is raised to nine, although the region of Roraima is principally covered by savannah-like formations. The number of Ananteris species present in the scorpion fauna of Brazil is now raised to 19.
Lourenco WR, duhem B. Further considerations on the genus Ananteris Thorell, 1891 (Scorpiones, Buthidae) in Brazilian Amazonia and description of two new species. Boletin de la SEA. 2010(47):33-8.
Family Buthidae

10 February, 2011
New papers on two Mexican scorpions
Two new papers have been published on the distribution and taxonomy of the Mexican species Centruroides tecomanus Hoffmann, 1932 (Buthidae) and Vaejovis pusillus Pocock, 1898 (Vaejovidae).
The papers are written in Spanish and unfortunately lack English abstracts.
Miranda-Lopez EP, Ponce-Saavedra J, Francke OF. Situacion taxonomica y distribucion actual de Vaejovis pusillus Pocock (Scorpiones: Vaejovidae). Ciencia Nicolaita. 2010(52):56-62.
Quijano-Ravell AF, Ponce-Saavedra J, Francke O, Villasenor-Ramos MA. Nuevos registros y distribucion actualizada de Centruroides tecomanus Hoffmann, 1932 (Scorpiones: Buthidae). Ciencia Nicolaita. 2010(52):179-89.
Thanks to Oscar Francke for sending me these papers!
Family Buthidae
Family Vaejovidae

04 February, 2011
Genetic diversity in Androctonus crassicauda in Turkey
Ozkan, Ahmet & Zafer have published a paper studying the genetic diversity of Androctonus crassicauda (Olivier, 1807) from Turkey.
Even though they did not find any morphological differences between the animals studied, the studied specimens did divide into two different genetic groups. Even though this didn't lead to any taxonomic conclusions, intraspecific genetic diversity like this might lead to diversity in venom content (and ultimately to differences in symptoms from scorpions sting from the same species).
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has been widely employed in phylogeographic and phylogenetic studies. In the present study, the genetic identification of the scorpion Androctonus crassicauda (Olivier, 1807) was carried out by using the 16S mitochondrial gene, since this scorpion represents the most important species in Turkey regarding scorpionism and antivenom production. Two genetic groups were found according to the sequence analysis results, while five different loci at the nucleotide level presented genetic variation in the 16S region when compared to a known A. crassicauda sequence data (GenBank, AJ277598). Nucleotide variations found in the current work constitute the first descriptive report for A. crassicauda. Moreover, future studies may enlighten the genetic and venom composition variations for this scorpion species.
Ozkan O, Ahmet C, Zafer K. A study on the genetic diversity of Androctonus crassicauda (Olivier, 1807; Scorpiones: Buthidae) from Turkey. Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins Including Tropical Diseases. 2010;16(4):599-606.
Family Buthidae

03 February, 2011
A discussion on Hadrurus and a new species
Michael Soleglad and co-workers have recently published a paper discussing the taxonomy and phylogeny of the Hadrurus "spadix" subgroup (Caraboctonidae). A new species from parts of USA and Mexico is also described:
Hadrurus anzaborrego Soleglad, Fet & Lowe, 2011
Data suggest that Hadrurus obscurus is only a color variant of H. spadix, but more investigations are necessary before a formal deccission can be made.
The paper has an identification key for both Hadrurus and Hoffmannihadurus.
In this study new data are presented on the “spadix” subgroup of genus Hadrurus, including the description of a new species, H. anzaborrego, sp. nov., found primarily in the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park (ABDSP) in southern California, USA. This species is distinguished by its internal trichobothrial pattern of the chela and its unique carapace pattern. The status of Hadrurus obscurus Williams, 1970 is discussed and new locality data for this species are provided. A phylogenetic key to the genera, species, and subspecies of subfamily Hadrurinae is provided.
Soleglad ME, Fet V, Lowe G. Contributions to scorpion systematics. IV. Observations on the Hadrurus "spadix" subgroup with a description of a new species (Scorpiones: Caraboctonidae). Euscorpius. 2011(112):1-36. [Free fulltext, but large file (17 mb). The paper divided into smaller files is available on the publishers website)]
Family Caraboctonidae

02 February, 2011
A new Serradigitus from Arizona, USA
Richard Ayrey has recently described a new Serradigitus Stahnke, 1974 (Vaejovidae) from southern Arizona (USA):
Serradigitus miscionei Ayrey, 2011
A new scorpion species, Serradigitus miscionei, is described, placed in the genus Serradigitus Stahnke, 1974. These are small reddish-brown scorpions found on vertical surfaces, in the San Pedro River system and other river systems in southern, Arizona.
Ayrey RF. Serradigitus miscionei (Scorpiones: Vaejovidae), a new species from southern Arizona. Euscorpius. 2011(111):1-13. [Free fulltext]
Family Vaejovidae

01 February, 2011
A new Chaerilus from the Andaman Islands
Wilson Lourenco and co-workers have described a new species of Chaerilus Simon, 1877 (Chaerilidae) from the Andaman Islands (India) in the Indian Ocean:
Chaerilus andamanensis Lourenco, Duhem & Leguin, 2011
A new species is described belonging to the genus Chaerilus Simon, 1877. Chaerilus andamanensis sp. n. was discovered in the Island of Little Andaman in the Indian Ocean. The new species shows affinities with Chaerilus variegatus Simon, 1877 and Chaerilus borneensis Simon, 1880, respectively described from Java and Borneo. This s the first record of the genus Chaerilus in the Andaman Islands.
Lourenco WR, Duhem B, Leguin E-A. The genus Chaerilus Simon, 1877 (Scorpiones, Chaerilidae) in the Indian Ocean Islands and description of a new species. Euscorpius. 2011(110):1-8. [Free fultext]
Family Chaerilidae