Courtship and mating behaviors between male and female scorpions are well documented. Intrasexual interactions (between female-female or male-male scorpions) are not mentioned often in the literature. Recently, a new ritualized behavior between the same sex was described and labeled "arm-span competition”.
In a recent article, Jules Thornton Wyman and co-workers present observations of "arm-span competition" between males of Tityus rosenbergi Pocock, 1898 (Buthidae). The behavior is interpreted as a ritualized male-male contests.
The authors suggest that the elongated pedipalps seen in males of many species might be the result of selective pressure related to ritualized arm-span competition.
Although courtship and mating behaviors have been described for nearly all scorpion lineages, intrasexual interactions in scorpions remain understudied. Recently, a novel ritualized behavioral unit, termed “arm-span competition,” in which individuals face off and extend their pedipalps laterally, was described from analyses of male-male contests in several scorpionid species. Here, we present the first documented observation of arm-span competition in a buthid scorpion, Tityus cf. rosenbergi Pocock, 1898. Interestingly, both T. cf. rosenbergi and most scorpionid species known to engage in arm-span competition exhibit a similar sexual dimorphism: males have markedly longer and more slender pedipalps than females. We suggest that the elongated pedipalps in males of these species might be the result of selective pressure related to ritualized armspan competition. We also highlight the potential for citizen science to contribute rare observations to scientific literature.
Wyman JT, Wright-Ueda J, Agnew Q, Castellano I, Simone Y. First report of arm-span competition in buthid scorpions: male-male contest in Tityus cf. rosenbergi Pocock, 1898. The Journal of Arachnology. 2025;52(3):210-3. [Open Access]
Thanks to Yuri for sending me this article!