It is well known that female scorpions carry first instar and pre-dispersal second instars scorplings on their back. The orientation of the instar on the female's back vary. In the genus Vaejovis, scorplings have been arranged in a longitudinal pattern of orientation.
Luc Ross now reports of a random larval orientation in Vaejovis confusus (Vaejovidae), which is the first in the genus. The paper also presents previously unreported cases of dorsal orientation in Vaejovidae.
A table with all data on larval orientation of Vaejovidae is presented.
Ross LK. First report of random larval orientation in the genus Vaejovis C. L. Koch, 1836 (Scorpiones: Vaejovidae). Boletin Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa. 2009 (45):531-2.
Family Vaejovidae
29 January, 2010
New data on larval orientation in Vaejovis

28 January, 2010
A new Scorpio species from Sudan
Wilson Lourenco has previously published a paper where African subspecies in the genus Scorpio where raised to species level. Lourenco and Cloudsley-Thompson have now described a new Scorpio species from Sudan:
Scorpio sudanensis Lourenco & Cloudsley-Thompson, 2009
Lourenco WR, Cloudsley Thompson JL. A new species of the genus Scorpio Linnaeus 1758 from Sudan (Scorpiones, Scorpionidae). Boletin Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa. 2009 (45):123-6.
Family Scorpionidae

27 January, 2010
A new Ananteris from Brazil
Lourenco and co-workers have recently described a new species of Ananteris (Buthidae) from Brazil:
Ananteris bianchinii Lourenco, Aguiar-Neto & Limeira-de-Oliveira, 2009
The species was collected in a savannah-like habitat.
Lourenco WR, Aguiar-Neto MB, Limera-de-Oliveira F. A new species of Ananteris Thorell, 1891 (Scorpiones, Buthidae) from the state of Maranhao, Brazil. Boletin Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa. 2009 (45):91-4.
Family Buthidae

A new Compsobuthus from Egypt
Lourenco and co-workers have investigated the Compsobuthus (Buthidae) of The Middlea East and described a new species from Egypt:
Compsobuthus egyptiensis Lourenco, Sun & Zhu, 2009
Updated distribution data for the genus in the region is also given.
Lourenco WR, Sun D, Zhu MS. About some Compsobuthus Vachon, 1949 from Africa and The Middle East with the description of a new species (Scorpiones, Buthidae). Boletin Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa. 2009 (45):53-8.
Family Buthidae

26 January, 2010
New data on Western African Compsobuthus
Compsobuthus berlandi. Photo Wilson Lourenco (C)
Wilson Lourenco has recently published a paper about the Compsobuthus of Western Africa. Compsobuthus berlandi Vachon, 1950 is redescribed and the male of Compsobuthus simoni Lourenco, 1999 is described for the first time.
Three species of Compsobuthus, C. berlandi Vachon, 1950, C. williamsi Lourenço, 1999 and C. simoni Lourenço, 1999 are confirmed for Western Africa*. In the present note, C. berlandi is redescribed based on the type material now clearly identified, and some new specimens collected in Mauritania. This species is confirmed as endemic to Mauritania. Two new specimens of C. simoni, a species previously known only from Niger, are also recorded from Togo and its male is described for the first time.
Lourenco WR. Further considerations on the species of Compsobuthus vachon, 1949 from Western Africa (Scorpiones, Buthidae). Entomol Mitt Zool Mus Hamburg. 2009;15:65-73.
Thanks to professor Lourenco for sending me the article and the picture!
Family Buthidae

24 January, 2010
Prolonged exposure to uv light reduces scorpion fluorescence
It is well known that scorpions fluorescence under ultraviolet light exposure. No function for this phenomena has yet been proven. It is possible that there is no biological function and that the fluorescence is a byproduct of a molecule whose primary function is unrelated to fluorescence. More research is necessary to unravel the mystery of scorpion fluorescence.
Anecdontal reports have suggested that long-term exposure to uv light may reduce scorpion fluorescence. Carl Kloock has recently published a paper showing that this is indeed true. Interestingly, Kloock's work also show that fluorescence in live specimens recovered after one week without uv exposure. This is an indication that active metabolic processes are responsible for the recovery. Preserved specimens with reduced fluorescence showed no recovery after termination of uv exposure.
No abstract available
Kloock CT. Reducing scorpion fluorescence via prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light. Journal of Arachnology. 2009;37(3):368-70. [Free fulltext - Open Access article]

22 January, 2010
New SF species biography: Rhopalurus princeps
Michiel Cozijn has again written a very informative species biography for The Scorpion Files:
Rhopalurus princeps Karsch, 1879 (Buthidae) species biography
A big thanks to Michiel for his contribution to The Scorpion Files!
Species biographies in The Scorpion Files

20 January, 2010
A new Oiclus species from Lesser Antilles
Rolando Teruel & Leonard Chazal have recently described a new species of Oiclus (Scorpionidae) from a dry costal forest in Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles:
Oiclus nanus Teruel & Chazal, 2010
A new species of Oiclus Simon, 1880 is described from Guadeloupe in Lesser Antilles. It is closely related to Oiclus purvesii s. s. (Becker, 1880), and represents the first record of this genus from mainland Guadeloupe. The previous record of O. purvesii s. s. from Terre-de-Haut (Les Saintes, a small islet offshore Basse-Terre) is regarded as dubious, as it possibly refers to the new taxon herein described. Also, some topics on the taxonomy and distribution of this genus are briefly discussed.
Teruel R, Chazal L. A new species of the genus Oiclus Simon, 1880 (Scorpiones: Scorpionidae: Diplocentrinae) from Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles. Euscorpius. 2010(92):1-9. [Free fulltext]
Family Scorpionidae

18 January, 2010
Morphology, ecology & distribution of Isomterus maculatus in Cuba
Rolando Teruel has written a paper on morphology, ecology & distribution of the introduced scorpion Isometrus maculatus (Buthidae) in Cuba.
The taxonomy and known geographical distribution of the Cuban populations of Isometrus maculatus (DeGeer, 1778) are updated. Also, the morphological variability (body size and proportions, coloration, number of pectinal teeth and primary rows of granules on pedipalp fingers) are herein studied and data are presented
Teruel R. Morfologia ecologia y distribucion de Isometrus maculatus (DeGeer, 1778) en Cuba (Scorpiones: Buthidae). Boletin Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa. 2009(45):173-9.
Thanks to Rolando for sending me the paper!
Family Buthidae

15 January, 2010
New Diplocentrus from Guatemala
Luise de Armas & Rony Trujillo have recently described a new Diplocentrus (Scorpionidae) from Guatemala:
Diplocentrus motagua Armas & Trujillo, 2009
Both sexes of a new species of the scorpion genus Diplocentrus Peters, 1861 (Scorpionidae: Diplocentrinae) is described from Zacapa Department, northeastern Guatemala. It is characterized by punctuation on the whole body, including appendages, a peculiarity shared with Diplocentrus melici Armas & Martín-Frías, 2004, from Veracruz state, Mexico, but it is smaller and has a lower pectinal tooth count, as well as a different tarsal ventral spine formula. A dichotomic key is provided for identification of the three Guatemalan species of the genus Diplocentrus.
de Armas LF, Trujillo RE. Nueva especie de Diplocentrus Peters, 1861 (Scorpiones: Scorpionidae) de Guatemala. Boletin Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa. 2009(45):67-72.
Thanks to Rony Trujillo for sending me this paper!
Family Scorpionidae

13 January, 2010
Two new Hemiscorpius species from Oman
The scorpion fauna of the Arabian Peninsula has still a lot of secrets. Graeme Low has collected scorpions in northern Oman and has now described two new species of Hemiscorpius (Hemiscorpiidae):
Hemiscorpius falcifer Lowe, 2010
Hemiscorpius flagelliraptor Lowe, 2010
Both species are ultralithophiles (adapted for life in cracks and crevices of rock surfaces).
The paper has a identification key for Hemiscorpius (females only).
Two new species of Hemiscorpius, H. falcifer, sp. nov. and H. flagelliraptor, sp. nov., are described from the Al Hajar Mountains of northern Oman. Although both are lithophilic or ultralithophilic scorpions beautifully adapted for living in rock crevices, they exhibit divergent morphologies and may not be closely related. H. falcifer is distinguished by: smaller size, relatively short compact metasoma, bulbous telson, relatively distal placement of lamellar double hook of hemispermatophore, pedipalp chela with wide, sub-triangular manus and exceptionally elongated fingers with single file dentition along distal half of movable finger (in adults); H. flagelliraptor is distinguished by: extremely elongated, sexually dimorphic metasoma, slender telson, proximal placement of lamellar double hook of hemispermatophore, slender pedipalp chela with double denticle rows along the distal half of movable finger. Although orthobothriotaxic, in other respects H. flagelliraptor appears most similar to the neobothriotaxic species H. enischnochela Monod et Lourenço, 2005 and H. gaillardi (Vachon, 1974) from Iran.
Lowe G. Two new Hemiscorpius Peters, 1861 (Scorpiones: Hemiscorpiidae) from northern Oman. Euscorpius. 2010(91):1-24. [Free fultext]
Family Hemiscorpiidae

New Tityus from Puerto Rico
Rolando Teruel & Alejandro Sanchez have recently described a new Tityus species (Buthidae) from Puerto Rico:
Tityus riverai Teruel & Sanchez, 2009
A new species of the genus Tityus C. L. Koch 1836 is described, from a single locality on the north-eastern coast of Puerto Rico. The new species is the second member of the "crassimanus" group discovered on this island, and morphologically constitutes a peculiar case, because it is more closely related to the type-species of this group, Tityus crassimanus (Thorell 1876) (endemic to south-western Hispaniola), than to the only other previously known member from Puerto Rico, Tityus michelii Armas 1982.
Teruel R, Sanchez AJ. Una nueva especie de Tityus del grupo "crassimanus" (Scorpiones: Buthidae) de Puerto Rico. Boletin Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa. 2009(45):329-33.
Thanks to Rolando for sending me the paper!
Family Buthidae

11 January, 2010
New info on the status Orthochirus krishnai
Zambre & Bastawade have been able to describe the male of Orthochirus krishnai Tikader & Bastawade, 1983, which was previously known only from two female specimens. O. krishnai was considered Nomen dubium by Kovarik (2004), but the authors of the present paper concludes that O krishnai is a valid species.
No abstract in the article.
Zambre AM, Bastawade DB. Description of male Orthochirus krishnai (Scorpiones: Buthidae) from India, with comments on its taxonomic status. Journal of Threatened Taxa. 2009;1(12):621-3. [Free fulltext]
Thanks to Gerard Dupre for sending me this paper!
Family Buthidae

08 January, 2010
A review on Hemiscorpius envenomations
All dangerous scorpions belongs to the family Buthidae with the important exception of Hemiscorpius lepturus (and possible other species in the genus Hemiscorpius), which belongs to Hemiscorpiidae.
Jalali & co-workers have now published a very interesting review on Hemiscorpius lepturus envenomations in Iran. Data suggest that Hemiscorpius lepturus is actually the most dangerous scorpion in the country, especially to children.
One of the interesting (and dangerous) characteristics of Hemiscorpius envenomations is the lack of pain after a sting and a delayed onset of dangerous symptoms, characteristics that are oposite in other dangerous scorpions (buthids). Symptoms are also different with renal, skin (necrosis) and blood abnormalities not typical for buthid envenomations, indicating a different mix of toxins in Hemiscorpius compared to other scorpions.
Anti-venom for Hemiscorpius is available in Iran and is used with benficial effects.
Many of the published accounts of envenomation by Hemiscorpius lepturus (H. lepturus) are in a form that makes it difficult for non Farsi readers to access. The purpose of this review is to summarise the Iranian literature on the toxinological effects of the venom of H. lepturus using both in vivo and in vitro data and where appropriate, details of methods and ethics statements will be reported.
Jalali A, Pipelzadeh MH, Sayedian R, Rowan EG. A review of epidemiological, clinical and in vitro physiological studies of envenomation by the scorpion Hemiscorpius lepturus (Hemiscorpiidae) in Iran. Toxicon. 2010;55(2-3):173-9. [Subscription required for fulltext]
Family Hemiscorpiidae

04 January, 2010
The genus Chaerilus in China
Happy New Year!
Zhi-Youn Di & Co-workers have recently published a paper discussing the genus Chaerilus (Chaerilidae) in China. The paper also provide a detailed description of the female of Chaerilus tricostatus Pocock, 1899 for the first time.
A list, a key and distributions of the seven Chinese species of the genus Chaerilus Simon, 1877 are provided. The female C. tricostatus Pocock, 1899 collected from Xizang is described and figured for the first time.
Di Z-Y, Wu Y-L, Cao Z-J, Fan L-Q, Li W-X. The genus Chaerilus Simon, 1877 (Scorpiones: Chaerilidae) in China, with a description of the female C. tricostatus Pocock, 1899. Arthropoda Selecta. 2009;18(3-4):131-8.
Thanks to Gerard Dupre for informing me about this paper!
Family Chaerilidae