03 October, 2024

Redescription of the little known buthid Kraepelina palpator from Iran


The genus Kraepelina Vachon, 1974 (Buthidae) with its only species K. palpator  (Birula, 1903)is only known from Iran and Turkmenistan. It has previously been places in different genera. Hossein Barahoei has now published a redescription and also molecular data from new materials collected in Iran confirming its current taxonomic status.

Kraepelinia Vachon, 1974 is a monotypic buthid scorpion genus, with its populations distributed in Iran and Turkmenistan. A recent series of specimens were collected from the Sistan region, southeast Iran, during 2019-2023 and used for morphological and molecular studies. The mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene was sequenced for molecular research. Kraepelinia palpator was re-described based on the new specimens. Based on phylogenetic analysis, K. palpator was placed sister to Mesobuthus Vachon, 1950. Phylogenetic trees and genetic distances confirmed the Monophyly of all studied genera of Buthidae in this study. This study found the highest genetic distance (0.155) between K. palpator and Androctonus sp., and the lowest (0.102) was with Mesobuthus rakhshanii. Kraepelinia runs as the most similar taxon to Mesobuthus based on morphological characters. This genus's most important morphological characteristics are the placement of eb trichobothria on the manus and having teeth on the ventral surface of the third metasomal segment. The members of this species are distributed in the lowlands areas.

Barahoei H. On the identity and taxonomy of Kraepelinia palpator (Birula, 1903)(Scorpiones: Buthidae) from southeast Iran. Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity. 2024;8(4):184-92. [Open Access]

Thanks to Gerard Dupre for sending me this article!

Family Buthidae

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