31 July, 2014
Scorpionism in Egypt
Ismail Lotfy Mohamad and co-workers have recently published a retrospective study of the outcome of scorpion sting incidents in children referred to Assiut University Children Hospital
from January to December 2012.
Of the 111 cases evaluated, more than half of the stung children had a severe clinical presentation and 19 children died mainly of pulmonary edema and cardiogenic shock.
The results of this study are quite dramatic and show that scorpions are a public health problem in parts of Egypt, especially for children. The study doesn't mention scorpions species involved, but Egypt harbors several dangerous species of Androctonus and the infamous Leiurus quinquestriatus.
Scorpion envenomation is a health problem in children in tropical and subtropical regions. The aim of this study was to evaluate demographic and clinical characteristics as well as outcomes in referred children to Assiut University Children Hospital during the year 2012 with a history of scorpion sting. The medical files of these patients were reviewed retrospectively for demographic data, time and site of biting, and clinical manifestations. Laboratory investigations of the patients were reviewed for complete blood count (CBC), liver function tests, creatinine phosphokinase (CPK), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), arterial blood gases, and serum electrolytes. Results showed 111 children with a history of scorpion sting; 69 males and 42 females with a median age of 5 years. Out of the studied patients, 53.2 % were classified as class III of clinical severity with recorded pulmonary edema in 33.3 %, cardiogenic shock in 46.8 %, and severe neurological manifestations in 22.8 %. Twelve patients (10.8 %) were classified as class II with mild systemic manifestations, and 36 % of the patients were classified as class I with only local reaction. Outcomes of these patients were discharge without sequelae in 55.8 %, discharge with sequelae in 26.1 %, and death in 18.1 %. Conclusion: more than half of stung children had a severe clinical presentation and about one fifth died. Aggressive treatment regimens are recommended for such patients to improve the outcome.
Mohamad IL, Elsayh KI, Mohammad HA, Saad K, Zahran AM, Abdallah AM, et al. Clinical characteristics and outcome of children stung by scorpion. Eur J Pediatr. 2014 June;173(6):815-8. [Subscription required for full text]
Submitted by
Jan Ove Rein (editor)
10:27 AM
medical importance,

30 July, 2014
A new species of Vaejovis from Arizona, USA
Richard Ayrey is continuing his studies of the scorpion fauna of Arizona and has now described a new species of Vaejovis C. L. Koch, 1876 (Vaejovidae) from Arizona, USA.
Vaejovis grayae Ayrey, 2014
A new scorpion species, Vaejovis grayae sp. nov. is described and placed in the “vorhiesi” group of the genus Vaejovis. This small brown species is found near Yarnell, Arizona, USA. It appears most similar to V. trinityae Ayrey and V. crumpi Ayrey et Soleglad. It can be distinguished from the other members of the “vorhiesi” group by a unique combination of non-overlapping morphological characters and multilocus DNA data (Bryson et al., 2013). The pedipalp fixed finger has 6 ID denticles and the movable finger has 7, like most other northern Arizona “vorhiesi” group species. Another characteristic of this species is its unique Arizona chaparral habitat.
Ayrey RF. A new species of Vaejovis from chaparral habitat near Yarnell, Arizona (Scorpiones: Vaejovidae). Euscorpius. 2014 (188):1-13. [Free full text]
Family Vaejovidae
Submitted by
Jan Ove Rein (editor)
1:42 PM
new species,
North America,

29 July, 2014
A new species of Broteochactas from Brazil
Wilson Lourenco has recently described a new species of Broteochactas Pocock, 1893 (Chactidae) from the Amazon Region in Brazil.
Broteochactas silves Lourenco, 2014
Scorpions belonging to the genus Broteochactas Pocock, 1893 are studied and a new species is described, Broteochactas silves sp. n., based on nine male specimens collected in the region of Silves in the State of Amazonas, Brazil. The new species is characterized by a small size, reddish-brown coloration, body and appendages with punctations and metasomal segment V and telson with conspicuous spinoid granulations.
Lourenco WR. The genus Broteochactas Pocock, 1893 in Brazilian Amazonia, with a description of a new species from the State of Amazonas (Scorpiones: Chactidae). Entomologische Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum Hamburg. 2014;17(192):153-9.
Thanks to professor Lourenco for sending me his article!
Family Chactidae
Submitted by
Jan Ove Rein (editor)
9:05 AM
new species,
South America,

28 July, 2014
A new species of Pandinus from Cameroon
The large scorpions from West Africa in the genus Pandinus Thorell, 1841 (Scorpionidae) are well known among both experts and amateurs, and in particular the "celebrity" species Pandinus imperator (C. L. Koch, 1841). Surprisingly, very little research have been done on the different Pandinus populations of western Africa.
Wilson Lourenco has recently published an article on the genus Pandinus in western Africa which resulted in one new species and one restored species from synonymy.
Pandinus camerounensis Lourenco, 2014 - New species from Cameroon.
Pandinus roeseli (Simon, 1872) - Restored from synonymy with P. imperator. Guinea.
Among the ‘giant species’ of scorpions which belong to the genus Pandinus Thorell, 1876, three are protected by the Washington Convention. These are Pandinus imperator (Koch, 1841), Pandinus dictator (Pocock, 1888) and Pandinus gambiensis Pocock, 1899. In theory, these species can be easily recognised by scorpion experts and even non-experts. However, at least one, P. imperator, remains dubious and unclearly characterized. Herein, the argument pleading for the status of P. imperator is discussed. It is hypothesized that across the known distribution of P. imperator at least three or four distinct populations may be recognized. Pandinus roeseli (Simon, 1872) is restablished as a valid species and a new species, Pandinus camerounensis sp. n. is described from the North of Cameroon.
Lourenco WR. Further considerations on the identity and distribution of Pandinus imperator (C. L. Koch, 1841) and description of a new species from Cameroon (Scorpiones: Scorpionidae). Entomologische Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum Hamburg. 2014;17(192):139-51.
Thanks to professor Lourenco for sending me his article!
Family Scorpionidae
Submitted by
Jan Ove Rein (editor)
12:17 PM
Identification key,
new species,
new status,

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