Zhiyong Di and co-workers have recently published a paper describing the scorpion fauna of Xizang in China. This is one of the most scorpion-rich regions in China and a key to the species in the region is presented.
A redescription of Scorpiops jendeki Kovarik, 2000 (Euscorpiidae) is also presented.
Until now, there are 26 scorpion species of 7 genera of 5 families recorded in Xizang (China). Xizang Autonomous Region (Tibet) is the scorpion biodiversity richest area in China (53 scorpion species of 12 genera of 5 families), also the highest altitude habitat of scorpions in the world. We present information of type specimens, an identification key of the scorpion species from Xizang, the distribution, updated feature pictures, and discussion on the disputed species. The redescriptions of Scorpiops jendeki Kovařík, 2000 (Yunnan) and S. tibetanus Hirst, 1911 (Xizang), comments and feature figures of species of genus Scorpiops are provided for identification.
Di Z, Xu X, Cao Z, Wu Y, Li W. Notes on the scorpions (Arachnida, Scorpiones) from Xizang with the redescription of Scorpiops jendeki Kovařík, 2000 (Scorpiones, Euscorpiidae) from Yunnan (China). ZooKeys. 2013;301:51-99. [Free full text]
Thanks to Gerard Dupre for sending me this paper!
27 May, 2013
Scorpions from Xizang, China and a redescription of Scorpiops jendeki

23 May, 2013
Three new Hadruroides species from Central Peru
Andrea Rossi has published three new species in the genus Hadruroides Pocock, 1893 (Caraboctonidae) from Central Peru.
Hadruroides adrianae Rossi, 2012
Hadruroides lourencoi Rossi, 2012
Hadruroides tongiorgii Rossi, 2012
The paper also has an identification key for Hadruroides in Peru.
Three new species of the neotropical genus Hadruroides POCOCK, 1893 are described from different habitats in central Peru. H. adrianae n. sp. comes from a xeric area around San Josè de Los Molinos, Ica province, in the Ica region. This is also the first record of this genus for that region. H. lourencoi n. sp. and H. tongiorgii n. sp. come from the Junín region, respectively from Tarma province, at very high altitude, and from the Andinian forest of Satipo province, at medium altitude. Only few specimens of Hadruroides are known from Junín and their identity was not clear. The total number of Peruvian species of Hadruroides is now raised to sixteen.
Rossi A. Three new species of the genus Hadruroides pocock, 1893 from central Peru (Scorpiones: Caraboctonidae). Onychium. 2012;9 (2011-2012):10-26.
Thanks to Dr. Rossi for sending me his paper!
Family Caraboctonidae

22 May, 2013
Microhabitat use in two co-existing buthids in Brazil
Andre Lira and co-workers have recently published an interesting study of the population structure of two scorpion species, Ananteris mauryi Lourenco,1982 and Tityus pusillus Pocock, 1893 (Buthidae), which are widely distributed in fragments of the northeast Atlantic Forest in Brazil. The focus of the study was micro-habitat preference, intra- and interspecific coexistence and aspects of behavior.
With the increasing devastation of the tropical rain forest, there is a critical need to understand howanimal forest communities are structured and how habitat degradation will affect these communities.We conducted a field survey to investigate the microhabitat preferences of two co-occurring species of scorpions (Tityus pusillus and Ananteris mauryi) in a fragment of Atlantic rainforest, as well as their abundance and their ecological niche, during both the dry and rainy seasons. Behavioural aspects related to theuse of the environment and the proportions of juveniles and adults are also described. The occurrence of intra- and interspecific coexistence was assessed by active search. In addition, pitfall catches were used to assess the structure of the population in the dry and rainy seasons. The differential patterns of spatial distribution in the litter layers provided evidence of partial niche partitioning between the two coexisting scorpion species depending on age and climatic conditions. Abundance, foraging behaviour and age structure (juveniles and adults) were seasonally influenced. We conclude that the diverse and subtle behaviours involved in interaction and habitat use may facilitate species coexistence. Resourcepartitioning and refuge sharing on a temporal and/or spatial scale, as well as predation pressure, may drive the dynamics and spatial distribution of scorpion species in the rain forest environment.
Lira AFA, Souza AM, Silva Filho AAC et al. Spatio-temporal microhabitat use by two co-occurring species of scorpions in Atlantic rainforest in Brazil. Zoology 2013; In Press, Corrected Proof. [Subscription required for full text]
Thanks to Andre Lira for sending me a copy of his paper!

Scorpions and scorpionism in Panama book - A correction
I have previously blogged about the new book " "Los escorpiones y el escorpionismo en Panamá. Volumen I".
Dr. Adolfo Borges has asked me to specify that he cannot supply copies of the book. If you are interested in obtaining a copy of the book you can contact Science National
Secretariat of Panama (SENACYT), The University of Panama, or The Gorgas
Memorial Institute.
Dr. Borges can provide a copy of the chapter "Scorpions and their Venoms; Why scorpion venoms can be lethal to humans", which he is the author of.
16 May, 2013
Scorpions in the Palestinian territories
Mazin B. Qumsiyeh and co-workers have recently presented a study of the scorpions found in the Palestinian territories.
Chromosomal data for three species are presented and discussed for the first time.
Seven species were collected from several habitats in the West Bank, namely Leiurus quinquestriatus, Androctonus crassicauda, Compsobuthus werneri, Orthochirus scrobiculosus, Hottentotta judaicus, Nebo hierichonticus, and Scorpio maurus. Karyotypic data on Leiurus quinquestriatus (2n=22), Hottentotta judaicus (2n=16), and Scorpio maurus fuscus (2n=52) are reported here for the first time.
Qumsiyeh MB, Salman INA, Michael S, Amr ZS. Records of scorpions from the Palestinian Territories, with the first chromosomal data (Arachnida: Scorpiones). Zoology in the Middle East. 2013;59(1):70-6. [Subscription required for full text]
Thanks to Gerard Dupre for informing me about this paper!

13 May, 2013
New species of Alloscorpiops from Laos and Thailand
Frantisek Kovarik and co-workers published last week a paper describing a new species of Alloscorpiops Vachon, 1980 (Euscorpiidae) from Thailand and Laos.
Alloscorpiops wongpromi Kovarik, Soleglad & Kosulic, 2013
An identification key to all species in the genus is presented.
Alloscorpiops wongpromi sp. n. from Thailand and Laos is described and compared with all other species of the genus Alloscorpiops Vachon, 1980. A key is presented to all species of the genus. A. wongpromi sp. n. is characterized mainly by a higher number of trichobothria on the patella, which has 33–37 external and 21–22 ventral trichobothria, and a dark-colored telson. The subgenus Laoscorpiops Lourenço, 2013 is synonymized with the nom-inotypical subgenus, because it was based on misinterpretation of the trichobothrial pattern, with two ventral accessory trichobothria on the chela regarded as part of the external Eb series.
Kovarik F, Soleglad ME, Kosulic O. Alloscorpiops wongpromi sp. n. from Thailand and Laos (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae: Scorpiopinae). Euscorpius. 2013 (160):1-12. [Free full text]
Family Euscorpiidae