The highly polymorphic buthid Mesobuthus eupeus (C. L. Koch, 1839) is a very wide-ranging species in the the Palearctic being found from Turkey to China. It is probable that this species is a species complex hiding several species, but extensive dna-analysis are necessary to be able to investigate this.
Frantisek Kovarik and co-workers have done a thorough analysis of appr. 2000 specimens of the subspecies of Mesobuthus eupeus in Turkey. They conclude that there are two allopatric subspecies of M. eupeus in Turkey.
Mesobuthus eupeus eupeus (C. L. Koch, 1839)
M. euepus phillipsii (Pocock, 1889)
The subspecies Buthus (=Mesobuthus) eupeus philippovitschi Birula, 1905 is synonymized with Mesobuthus eupeus eupeus (C. L. Koch, 1839) and Buthus (=Mesobuthus) euepus mesopotamicus Penther, 1912 is synonymized with M. euepus phillipsii (Pocock, 1889).
An identification key for the Mesobuthus of Turkey is provided.
Examination of 268 specimens of Mesobuthus eupeus eupeus (C. L. Koch, 1839) and 1765 specimens of M. eupeus phillipsii (Pocock, 1889) from 163 localities, 92 of them in Turkey, has enabled us to establish distribution of the two subspecies and limits of their ranges in southeastern Turkey. A map of distribution of these subspecies in Turkey and a key to Turkish Mesobuthus species and subspecies are provided. Buthus eupeus philippovitschi Birula, 1905 is synonymized with Mesobuthus eupeus eupeus, and Buthus eupaeus mesopotamicus Penther, 1912 is synonymized with Mesobuthus eupeus phillipsii.
Kovarik F, Yagmur EA, Fet V, Navidpour S. On two subspecies of Mesobuthus eupeus (C. L. Koch, 1839) in Turkey (Scorpiones: Buthidae). Euscorpius. 2011(109):1-15. [Free fulltext]
Thanks to Ersen Yagmur for sending me this paper!
Family Buthidae
31 January, 2011
New paper on Mesobuthus eupeus in Turkey

25 January, 2011
Status of Microananteris and a new Ananteris species
The genus Microananteris Lourenco, 2003 (Buthidae) with its only species M. minor Lourenco, 2003 have had an unclear status and it has been difficult to separate this taxa from Ananteris Thorell, 1891. Botero-Trujillo & Noriega have now conducted an analysis of Microananteris with the following conclusions:
Microananteris Lourenco 2003 is synonymized with Ananteris Thorell, 1891.
Microananteris minor Lourenco, 2003 is now Ananteris minor (Lourenco, 2003) comb. nov.
A new species of Ananteris is described from Brazil:
Ananteris palmari Botero-Trujillo, 2011
The characters originally used to define the monotypic genus Microananteris Lourenço, 2003 are reanalyzed from the point of view of their usefulness to justify its recognition as a genus apart from Ananteris Thorell, 1891. A study of pectinal morphology conducted with Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) in six species of Ananteris, along with the results presented by Lourenço (2003) and other authors, demonstrate that both genera cannot be separated based on the shape of the peg sensillae but demonstrate this character’s (and the presence of seta-like structures) immediate usefulness at the species level instead. Such analysis of the morphological attributes of Microananteris as defined by Lourenço (2003) reveals there is no evidence in support of its validity. Therefore, Microananteris is synonymized with Ananteris and Microananteris minor Lourenço, 2003 transferred to this genus. A new species of Ananteris is also described from the Natural Reserve Palmari in the Brazilian Amazon.
Botero-Trujillo R, Noriega JA. On the identity of Microananteris, with a discussion on pectinal morphology, and description of a new Ananteris from Brazil (Scorpiones, Buthidae). Zootaxa. 2011(2747):37-52. [Subscription required for fulltext]
Thanks to Ricardo Botero-Trujillo for sending me this paper!
Family Buthidae

19 January, 2011
A new species of Compsobuthus from Pakistan
Kovarik & Ahmed have recently published a new species of Compsobuthus (Buthidae) from Pakistan:
Compsobuthus sindicus Kovarik & Ahmed, 2011
Compsobuthus sindicus sp. n. of the werneri group is described from Pakistan, Sind Province, near the border with India. It is characterized chiefly by densely granulated carapace mesosoma, metasoma, telson, and femur and patella of pedipalps; the first to fourth metasomal segments bear 10 carinae. C. sindicus sp. n. is closest to C. rugosulus (Pocock, 1900) from India and Pakistan, from which it differs chiefly in having the first metasomal segment approximately as wide as long.
Kovarik F, Ahmed Z. Compsobuthus sindicus sp. n. from Pakistan (Scorpiones: Buthidae). Euscorpius. 2011(108):1-3. [Free fulltext]
Family Buthidae

A new species of Orthochirus from India
Amod Zambre and co-workers have recently discovered a new species of Orthochirus (Buthidae) from India:
Orthochirus bastawadei Zambre, Mirza, Sanap, Upadhye & Javed, 2011
The new species may be of medical importance. One of the authors was stung and experienced very strong pain that lasted for several hours.
A new species of scorpions of the genus Orthochirus (Buthidae) is described from Jalna, Maharashtra, India. A key to Indian scorpion of the genus Orthochirus is provided.
Zambre AM, Mirza ZA, Sanap RV, Upadhye R, Maqsood Javed SM. A new species of Orthochirus Karsch, 1892 (Scorpiones: Buthidae) from Maharashtra, India. Euscorpius. 2011(107):1-12. [Free fultext]
Family Buthidae