Wilson Lourenco has recently published a paper describing a new species of Tityus C. L. Koch, 1836 (Buthidae) from the island of Martinique (Lesser Antilles).
Tityus marechali Lourenco, 2013
Tityus marechali sp. n. is described from the island of Martinique, Lesser Antilles. It is tentatively placed in the subgenus Tityus s. str. pedning further studies on the intrageneric classification. The new species, described from two males and three females taken in a patch of secondary or pristine tropical forest in the region of Grande Anse, seems to be a local endemic.
Lourenco WR. A new species of Tityus C. L. Koch, 1836 (Scorpiones: Buthidae) from the island of Martinique, Lesser Antilles. Arthropoda Selecta. 2013;22(3):227-31.
Thanks to professor Lourenco for sending me his paper!
Family Buthidae
28 August, 2013
A new Tityus from Martinique, Lesser Antilles

02 August, 2013
Scorpionism in Iran
Previously this year two papers on scorpionism in Iran have been published. The most medical important species are Hemiscorpius lepturus (Peters, 1862) (Hemiscorpiidae) and Androctonus crassicauda (Oliver, 1807) (Buthidae), and serious cases of scorpion envenomation including deaths are reported.
Paper 1:
Background: Scorpion sting is a major health problem in Iran. The aim of current study was to measure the incidence rates of scorpion stings, mortality, recovery, and affected age groups. The results of treatment with and without anti venom also were considered in the entire country during 2009.
Methods: All the data were collected from emergency section of different hospitals and then were analyzed by related software. The responsibility of such data collection and surveillance is related to the Department of Violence and Injury, Ministry of Health and Medical Education of Iran.
Results: A total incidence of 59.5/100000 was found for the 12-month period. During the study period the most and the least cases were reported from Khuzestan and Mazandaran Provinces with incidence of 541 and 0 per 100000 respectively. Totally 40220 anti venom vials were used, i.e., the ratio of 91 vial/ 100 affected cases. The stings occur mainly in rural areas (57.7%). Young people with the age group of 15–24 years old were the most victims of stings. The mortality and recovery rates of cases who had received anti venom less than 6 h of stings were calculated as 0.01% and 99.9% respectively.
Conclusion: The high incidence of scorpion stings in Iran especially in Khuzestan suggests the necessity of preventive programmes for decreasing the incidence. Such programmes could start by community educating in the high prevalent areas. In addition prompt and local treatment is particularly important for infants and pre-school children.
Paper 2:
Scorpionism is a major health problem in Khuzestan, included Ramhormoz, south-west of Iran. This descriptive retrospective survey was conducted to give us basic information about scorpionism in this city during 2006-2010. During 2006-2010, a total of 20902 scorpion-stung patients referred to the Rmhormoz health centers. The frequencies of entomo epidemiological and medical parameters were recorded converted to the percentage rank. The results of this study showed that the preventing ways of scorpion stings should be educated among the residents and antivenin of scorpions provided in the health centers of Ramhormoz.
Paper 1:
Rafizadeh S, Rafinejad J, Rassi Y. Epidemiology of Scorpionism in Iran during 2009. Journal of arthropod-borne diseases. 2013;7(1):66-70. [Subscription required for full text]
Paper 2:
Karami K, Vazirianzadeh B, Mashhadi E, Hossienzadeh M, Moravvej SA. A five year epidemiologic study on scorpion stings in Ramhormoz, South-West of Iran. Pakistan Journal of Zoology. 2013;45(2):469-74.

01 August, 2013
First record of a cave species of Euscorpiops from Viet Nam
Wilson Lourenco and Dinh-Sac Pham have recently published the findings of a cave dwelling species of Euscorpiops Vachon, 1980 (Euscorpiidae) in the Hua Ma cave in Viet Nam.
Euscorpiops cavernicola Lourenco & Pham, 2013
This is the first species in Euscorpiidae that seems to be adapted to a cave habitat, but the new species doesn't show major signs of a full adaption to cave life.
Euscorpiops cavernicola sp. n., belonging to the family Euscorpiidae Laurie, is described on the basis of two male and two female specimens collected in the Hua Ma cave located in the Quang Khe commune, Ba Be district of Bac Kan province in Viet Nam. The new species presents most features exhibited by scorpions within the genus Euscorpiops, however it may represent the first discovered Scorpiopinae species exhibiting certain adaptations to cave life.
Lourenço WR, Pham DS. First record of a cave species of Euscorpiops Vachon from Viet Nam (Scorpiones, Euscorpiidae, Scorpiopinae). Comptes Rendus - Biologies. 2013;In Press. [Subscription required for full text]
Family Euscorpiidae