Rolando Teruel has shared his great pictures of the scorpions found on Cuba with The Scorpion Files. The individual species are listed in the gallery, but I have also a made a special gallery devoted only to the species of Cuba.
The Rolando Teruel picture gallery of scorpions of Cuba
I big thanks to Rolando for sharing the pictures with us!
27 October, 2011
The Rolando Teruel picture gallery of scorpions of Cuba

03 October, 2011
New Pandinus from Ethiopia and Uganda and a review of the subgenus Pandinus
Frantisek Kovarik has recently published a review of the subgenus Pandinus Thorell, 1876 of Pandinus Thorell, 1876 (Scorpionidae). Two new species are described:
Pandinus mazuchi Kovarik, 2011 (Ethiopia)
Pandinus ugandaensis Kovarik, 2011 (Uganda)
The paper has taxonomical descriptions, distributional data and habitat information of the species within the subgenus. A identification guide for the subgenus is also presented.
This paper is of great interest both to professional researchers and scorpion enthusiasts as it involves several species that are popular in the pet industry and may make it more easy to identify some of the species sold to captive care. Pandinus sp. Uganda has been offered by several suppliers in Europe. It will be interesting to see if these belong to the new species mentioned above.
Pandinus (Pandinus) ugandaensis sp. n. from Uganda and P. (P.) mazuchi sp. n. from Ethiopia are described and compared with other species of the subgenus. P. ugandaensis sp. n. is characterized by 3-4/3: 3-4/3: 4/3: 4/3 spiniform formula of tarsomere II and only two spines on the inclined anteroventral surface of tarsomere II; eight ventral trichobothria on the chela; 10–11 pectinal teeth in females and 13–14 in males; and 1.6–1.7 length to depth ratio of the fourth metasomal segment. P. (P.) mazuchi sp. n. is characterized by 7/4: 6-7/4: 6-7/5-6: 8/5 spiniform formula of tarsomere II and only two spines on the inclined anteroventral surface of tarsomere II; 10 ventral trichobothria on the chela; 15–17 pectinal teeth; and 1.85 length to depth ratio of the fourth metasomal segment. New data on taxonomic characters, occurences and ecology of P. smithi (Pocock, 1897) and P. phillipsii (Pocock, 1896) are given and the presence of P. smithi (Pocock, 1897) in Ethiopia is verified. Presented are also photos of localities and a key to species of the subgenus.
Kovarik F. A review of the subgenus Pandinus Thorell, 1876 with descriptions of two new species from Uganda and Ethiopia (Scorpiones: Scorpionidae). Euscorpius. 2011(129):1-18. [Free fulltext]
Family Scorpionidae