22 July, 2024

A new species of Buthus from southern Spain


Antonio L. González-Moliné and Luis F. de Armas recently published an article describing a new, psammophilous spcies in the genus Buthus Leach, 1815 (Buthidae) from the province of Huelva in southern Spain.

Buthus gonzalezdelavegai Gonzalez-Moline & de Armas, 2024

Since the description of Buthus ibericus Lourenço & Vachon 2004, a total of 17 congeneric species have been identified in the Iberian Peninsula; nine of which are from the Andalucía region. As result of a recently published revision of specimens from the southwestern area of this peninsula, only two species were recognized for Huelva Province: Buthus baeticus Teruel & Turiel, 2020 and B. delafuentei Teruel & Turiel, 2020. A new Buthus population discovered in the onubense coast (southeast of Huelva) represent an undescribed psammophilous species, closely related to B. delafuentei but having well defined diagnostic characters that facilitates its easy identification. Also, new localities are recorded for Buthus delafuentei and B. baeticus Teruel & Turiel, 2020; as well as one specimen of the new species having an anomalous pectine and other specimen of B. delafuentei with teratological carapacial carinae.

Gonzalez-Moline AL, de Armas LF. Una especie nueva del genero Buthus (Scorpiones: Buthidae) de la Provincia de Huelva, España. Revista Iberica de Arachnologia. 2024(44):75-84. [No full text available]

Thanks to Leo Lindvall for sending this article!

Family Buthidae

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