22 July, 2024

A new cave-dwelling species of Chaerilus from Myanmar


Eric Ythier and Wilson Lourenco recently published a study describing a new cave-dwelling species in the genus Chaerilus Simon, 1877 (Chaerilidae) from Myanmar (Burma). Even though the new species was found in caves, it is not a true troglobite, but rather a trogloxene

Here are the taxonomical decision in this paper:

Chaerilus adrianoi Lourenco & Ythier, 2024 (new species)

Chaerilus birmanicus Thorell, 1899 (restored from synonymy with Chaerilus variegatus Simon, 1877)

Chaerilus anneae Lourenço, 2012 (restored from synonymy with Chaerilus julietteae Lourenço, 2011)

Chaerilus kampuchea Lourenço, 2012 (species status confirmed. Previous status "Nomen dubium"

A new species belonging to the genus Chaerilus Simon, 1877 is described from Myanmar: Chaerilus adrianoi sp. n., which was collected in a cave located in the East of the country. The new species is compared with some other Chaerilus species also described from Southeast Asia and in particular from Myanmar. The comparative study of the new species with other congenerics suggests, as in previous cases, that different species do not show very marked morphological differences, but rather correspond to micro-endemic populations. The new species is the second Chaerilus collected from Myanmar, together with Chaerilus birmanicus Thorell, 1899, restored from its synonymy with Chaerilus variegatus Simon, 1877. Chaerilus anneae Lourenço, 2012 is also restored from its synonymy with Chaerilus julietteae Lourenço, 2011 and the validity of Chaerilus kampuchea Lourenço, 2012 is confirmed.

Lourenço WR, Ythier E. A new cave species of Chaerilus Simon, 1877 from Myanmar (Scorpiones: Chaerilidae). Revista Iberica de Arachnologia. 2024(44):51-6. [Full text provided by authors]

Thanks to Eric for sending me their article!

Family Chaerilidae

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