16 January, 2012

A new Tityus from Bolivia

Wilson Lourenco and Elise-Anne Leguin have published a new species of Tityus (Buthidae) from Bolivia.

Tityus horacioi Lourenco & Leguin, 2011

A new species of Tityus Koch (subgenus Tityus) is described from the region of the San Mateo river in the province of Cochabamba, Bolivia. It is the latest member of the ‘Tityus bolivianus’ group of species to be found in this country. The new species seems to be endemic to the region where it was collected. The scorpion fauna of Bolivia remains, however, one of the least studied in South America, and no geographical patterns of distribution have yet been defined.

Lourenco WR, Leguin E-A. Une nouvelle espece de Tityus de Bolivie, appartenant au sous-genre Tityus et au groupe d'especes "Tityus bolivanus" (Scorpiones, Buthidae). Boletin de la SEA. 2011(49):103-7.

Family Buthidae

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